Monday, February 14, 2011

Basketball Wives- " I hate y'all"

Damn- can a chick be sick!?! The girls go to Madrid for fashion week and things start off a bit shaky - for Royce. Her throat hurts, her skin hurts and she just feels awful. The girls weren't in the mood to show off their bed-side manner and  this time it's Royce's turn to get teased/bullied by Jevelyn + 1 ( the 1 being Shaunie- she's gone to the dark side) - lol. Listen Suzi, the weakest link, is out of the circle now so someone has to be the new target. More after the jump...
After the first fashion show the crew walks around and a spanish talk-show host stops the group and asks if he can interview the girls- just three of the girls that is. And who does he pick? The three muskateers of course- Shaunie, Evelyn and  Jennifer. Tami and Royce take a seat on the sidelines and Royce shares with Tami that she thinks the girls are just mean and she's basically over their shenanigans. When the group gets back together Tami, she says she wants everyone to have a good time and that Royce is just not feeling well- and to basically go easy on the chick. Shaunie could care less and says as much. Royce- they hate you- period.

After a two-hour timeout/nap the girls go to another show and Jennifer meets an "average" looking guy named Marcel and immediately wants to hang out with him later. I guess she's just being friendly because he was being friendly but - whatever. Evelyn hopes that Jennifer gets to use the condom that she gave her. I hope not.

Later on at a party Marcel shows up and Jennifer acts like she's ready to start a relationship with the man. Things come to a screeching halt on that non-romance though when Marcel discloses that he's currently married! I guess Jennifer is so rusty to the dating game that it never dawned on her to ask him any personal questions.

The next day, Royce, who so obviously has strep throat, sits out on the girls opportunity for a private fitting from one of the big designers showing at fashion week. Shaunie, Evelyn and Jennifer try on several outfits from the designer and Tami just sits on the sidelines and watches as the girls play dress-up. I guess while sitting, watching and drinking several glasses of strong wine she started to feel some kind of way and when they go outside Tami goes off on Evelyn and her fakeness. They exchange words but that's as far as it goes. Shaunie and Tami take a walk to discuss what happened and later on when the group gets back together Tami tells Evelyn that she's willing to let things go and all is peaceful again- for a moment.

The girls take in a bullfight, Royce included. The bullfight was Tami's idea and "Jevelyn" leaves right before the bull is killed because they didn't feel comfortable seeing a helpless animal die like that. Of course, as they were leaving the stadium they talked shit about Tami and how weird it was for someone to want to see a bull fight. Granted, I would not want to see a bull die either but if I'm in Spain I just might want to take in a bullfight- just because it's Spain and part of the culture- duh?!. What's so weird about that?

The girls go have drinks after the bullfight and Evelyn confronts Royce and asks why she called them mean girls. Royce totally owns up to it which is what I think is so great about her- she's doesn't run scared and back down! Shaunie has clearly converted to the Evelyn/Jennifer way of dealing with people and asks Royce why she came on the trip if all she was going to do was complain. I would agree with this statement if the girl wasn't actually sick! She seems to show the classic symptoms of strep-throat or flu but I'm no doctor so who knows?

I guess a change in country doesn't mean a change in attitudes!

Until next week...

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