Let the games, tears and drama begin! I'm so excited for the this reunion and the fact that this is a three part performance.
Let's go...
The show starts with the clip of Alex being the new and improved Alex and I LOVE IT! Jill just sits there as Alex explains how everything came to a head between she and Jill. Jill and the followers, Kelly and Luann, roll their eyes and Jill just sits there looking smug but in reality she feels like a fool. I'm all for honesty and people speaking their minds and maybe that's why the women are split- the three fake, phony, weak women on one side - the three outspoken but honest, crazy but honest, will talk about you behind your back but will also own up to dishing to your face women- on the other side. The house is divided for sure.
One theme that ran throughout this reunion was Jill being jealous judgy (not a word) Jill! When confronted with who she really is Jill can't handle the truth. Now in her defense, as human beings none of us want to be confronted with the not so perfect things about ourselves but there comes a point in every one's life where, despite the embarrassment and disappointment that we may feel for our not so perfect behavior, we take a good hard look at what EVERYBODY is saying, and make the effort to change behavior's that can be changed. I'm not a psychologist, therapist or anything of the sort but what I'm suggesting is just commonsense stuff that certainly someone in their early 50's should understand and want to embrace. Jill is that old isn't she?
Ramona was questioned about her behavior and her many unfiltered comments throughout the season. When asked about the really mean and hurtful things she said when she and Bethenny crossed the Brooklyn Bridge together, she let us know that she apologized and if there was one thing she wished she could take back, that whole altercation was it. And she also admitted that everything else that she said to and behind the backs of the women were honestly things that she meant. I wish I could say that I disagree with her but I don't.
Kelly and Luann at various times, throughout part I of the reunion, tried to explain away Jill's bad behavior but to no avail. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck- guess what? It's a duck! Jill no amount of tears can change the public's perception of you. And more importantly, don't you want to truly be that changed person that you say you are?
Jill clearly wants to be in Bethenny's life because right now she's hot. Bethenny has the new husband, new baby, thriving career and her own show.
In a nutshell Jill's reason for having a problem with Bethenny boils down to one word - HATE!
How sad -because a true friend is happy for their friends successes and triumphs not envious or jealous.
Jill, you have a long way to go my friend.
Until next week...