Monday, January 10, 2011

Basketball Wives- "Are you my friend or frenemie?"

Last nights episode starts with Suzie attempting to gain a friend/ally in Tami. Tami decides that it's not the smartest move for her to to cut her ties- yet- with Evelyn, Shaunie and Jennifer. I get her strategy. Why break ties and form alliances with the wrong side when you're not fully aware of the whole Evelyn vs. Suzie story. More after the jump...
Jennifer tells Evelyn and Shaunie that her marriage is over- maybe- she doesn't know. And Evelyn seems almost happy that she'll have a friend to play with and share her misery with. It's kinda messed up that your friends would celebrate the demise of your marriage. At least try to pretend that you're sad for the chick. It will be interesting to see how Evelyn behaves if and when she introduces Chad "Ocho-Cinco" to the group. I wonder if "Jevelyn" ( Jennifer/Evelyn) will break-up?

Over lunch Eve and Jenn find out that they're not invited to Ashley's charity event. Ashley is the new Basketball Wife- who is not a wife but a girlfriend of Rafer Alston aka "Skip to my Lou"- because she wants no drama between Suzie and "Jevelyn". The two bored /mean girls decide that they're going to crash the event. Come on ladies get a hobbie and stop the madness. Surely you girls have better things to do besides crashing events that you're not invited to- ugghhh.

Jennifer's talk with a therapist uncovers the obvious. She's not really done with Eric or her marriage. When the therapist suggests that that Eric come in to talk Jennifer seems open to it- we'll see what happens.

Tonight's episode also introduces Shaunie's new man Marlon. He's younger than her but Shaunie has good genes on her side and honestly they look like a "young couple".  She seems happy and carefree with her new "Boo".

At Ashley's event, Tami, Royce and Suzie are the first to arrive and Tami immediately starts asking Ashley the hard questions like- Where's your supportive man? Has he cheated on you? Where's Evelyn and why wasn't she invited? Ashley kind of reminds me of Gloria with her "I don't give a ---- attitude". She explains that this event is for charity and not for drama. Oh- and that she doesn't worry about infidelity in her relationship. Shaunie arrives with Marlon and all is well at the event. Kind of like the quiet before the storm.

And then things take a really cray-cray turn to the left. "Jevelyn" arrives with guns blazing. Suzie disappears because she doesn't want to get verbally or physically assaulted. Tami has had way too much to drink and brings up Jennifer's comments about food stamps. Tami's hand is waving in Jenn's face and Evelyn is holding Tami back. Tami thinks she hears Jenn call her a bitch- I think what it was, was that she wanted Jenn to call her a bitch so that she could slap her. Shaunie steps in and pulls Tami out of the event and "Jevelyn" leaves the party together- of course.

This fight definitely isn't over and it will be interesting to see if Evelyn and Tami have words in the future. After all Tami attacked Jennifer and although Evelyn didn't have to jump in and save Jennifer from getting a whooping surely she didn't appreciate her bestie getting a verbal beat down by the new girl.

Until next week...

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