Tuesday, May 18, 2010

RH of NJ- "Caught in the middle"

It's really sad when a grown woman constantly looks to her 11 year-old child for advice and even sadder when the child gives you sound advice. Danielle, Jacqueline sent the flowers to your daughter as a kind gesture- period! Stop being a fool and again get new friends. But of course you can't do that because if you did you wouldn't be on the show anymore. There's your pass Danielle. But please stop the shenanigans!

Jacqueline tries really hard with Danielle because she's a nice woman and doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. When talking about Danielle to Caroline, who probably isn't the best audience, Caroline brings up a good point that Danielle never sent Jacqueline a card, flowers or even acknowledged the birth of her son Nicholas who she had a really hard time conceiving. So Jacqueline you can now tell Danielle to go away without feeling guilty.

Teresa's girls are monsters! They're fresh and out of control and in need of an old fashioned beat down. At the store Melania behaves like an animal and during the dinner for Gia they act crazy. I can't believe that Teresa and Joe actually want more children- ugghhh.  And what is wrong with Joe? Calling your daughter ugly and talking crazy before her first major fashion show is just plain mean. Of course the poor little girl is going cry. Maybe that's why Gia is such a jerk because her dad is a moron.

So it's fashion week and Teresa and Danielle are both there, in different tents, to see their daughters. Joe redeems himself after Gia's walk down the runway. He behaves as a proud father should and kisses her and tells her how beautiful she is.

Christine makes her way down the catwalk for her first, of what Danielle hopes, will be many Fashion Week shows. Unfortunately, after walking the runway the models had to stand still like mannequins and Christine almost passed out because she didn't eat before the show.

Welcome to the world of fashion- top models!

Until next week...

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